domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014


Amsterdam has many museums, theaters and excursions, but there are more for the foreigner. Inside the city, there are many places for meeting.

Riekermolen - Windmill

The Riekermolen is a windmill that was constructed in 1636. Also, it is in the Amstel riviera. That windmill was employed once for drained a territory. Today the windmill serves the weekends. 

Ets Haim Library

Ets Haim's library is the jewess library more old in the world since the Amsterdam's golden age. The complete works of Ets Haim are more of 500 manuscripts that are since 1282 and 30.000 works that are since 1484.  


The Noorderkerk is a church of XVI century and is in the city's center. Besides, it is a protestant church, but also it is one of all the places more beautiful inside the city. The classic aspect from the church and the excellent acoustic does of this a place for many events, like the dinners, receptions, presentations, conferences, reunions, fashion shows and concerts.  

Also, the church is ideal for the traditional marriages, funerals or others services.

Magere Brug 

One of all bridges of Amsterdam is the beautiful Magere Brug. This bridge was so strait that was difficult walk with other person at the same time. In 1871, the bridge was enlarge. At nights, the Magere Brug is so popular with the couples and the photographers. Thousand of romantics lights are on during the night for do of Magere Brug one of all the beautiful bridges in Amsterdam. 

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